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Hello! I’m Liliana. I am a student with a love for art. I mainly deal in three types: Drawing, Crochet and Photography. I am working on my writing and designing skills to become an all rounded person. I am also working on selling some of my art and overall improving it any way that I can. I hope to inspire others and take pictures of whatever I can. I want to improve and become the best me as I can, and have my artwork reflect who I am at that moment.
I would doodle a lot when I was younger, as well as participate in many art projects in my classes. I even went to an art camp for one summer. My mom would draw and paint massive portraits of characters for the walls of her office. Which got me wanting to draw more. I would usually just start with free hand tracing of photos which gave me a base to work with and expand my skills to do more original art.
I only really started in High School, but I did take a few “artsy” photos before. I have grown a lot since my journey began and I hope to continue making things I am proud of. Along with photography I am certified in Photoshop and Premiere Pro and InDesign
I started crocheting in 8th grade, when I was inspired by a crochet Pangolin I bought at the zoo field trip. It was rather expensive, but the cashier said all profits would go to people in Africa who didn't get paychecks. So I bought it and thought, what if I could to the same? What if I could crochet something and give it out just to make the other person happy? So that's what I did, and so far, its gone great! 
© 2023 by Liliana Segovia. Proudly created with
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